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Archive for December, 2010

Russian Visa Requirements to See Moscow like a Local

December 5th, 2010
Some cities are best seen through the eyes of a local. Moscow is one of those places, and while visiting major tourist attractions like the Kremlin, Red Square and St. Basil's Cathedral are still must-do's, you should also definitely make time to go beyond the guidebook. The following activities will help you get a feel for the real Moscow. Eat Authentic Local Cuisine Matador's Jenna Makowski notes that Moscow is full of tourist-trap restaurants filled with staff wearing generic "folk" costumes, but says that "The experience doesn’t represent local eating patterns." Instead, she recommends eating at the popular Russian cafeterias called stolovayas. Of course, you should also make time to enjoy some typical Russian street food. Mobile Food News recommends blinchiki, ice cream an


Yellow Fever Vaccinations and Travel Visas

December 4th, 2010
If you're traveling overseas to a country that requires visas for US citizens, you may need to make a doctor's appointment before applying for your travel visa. That's because some countries require that you submit proof you've been vaccinated for yellow fever along with your visa application. In the US, we don't routinely get vaccinated for yellow fever, so unless you've already been to a country that requires visitors to be vaccinated, you are highly unlikely to have had the shot. What is yellow fever, anyway? Found in the tropics, it's a hemorrhagic fever spread by mosquitoes.  The virus basically causes flu-like symptoms (fever, nausea, vomiting and pain), and if you're lucky, that's all you'll experience. If you're not lucky, however, instead of shaking it off you'll enter the