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Archive for September, 2010

5 Reasons to Get a Brazilian Visa

September 9th, 2010
The largest country in South America, Brazil is also a land of contrasts: bustling cities are surrounded by impenetrable rainforests, dry savannas border the largest wetland on earth, and mountains tower over sandy beaches. There are a million reasons to go through the hassle of getting a Brazilian visa. Here are 5 of them: Carnaval- Brazil is perhaps most famous for its Carnaval, where, in preparation for Lent, Brazilians try to squeeze 40 days of partying into a day (or two or three, depending on the region.) Carnaval is marked by spectacular parades, lots of samba dancing, and lots of beer and other alcohol. Rio de Janeiro- Rio is the most popular city for tourists in South America, and for good reason: The city is beautiful and lively, surrounded by mountains and white-sand beach


Ethiopian Visa Requirements to Visit the Mysterious Ruins of Tiya

September 3rd, 2010
In the wild grasslands of Southern Ethiopia, imposing stone monuments mark the site of an ancient burial ground, this week's featured UNESCO World Heritage site. The monuments at Tiya in Ethiopia consist of 32 large slabs of stone called stelae. The stones are etched with swords and other symbols. Who built this place? Nobody knows-according to UNESCO, "They are the remains of an ancient Ethiopian culture whose age has not yet been precisely determined." Other nearby sites of interest include Hera Shetan crater lake and a formation of naturally ordered stone blocks at nearby Agesoke. American citizens traveling to Ethiopia need passports and an Ethiopian visa. If you're flying in through Bole International Airport, you may attempt to get an Ethiopian visa upon arrival. But consider


Vietnamese Visa Requirements to Visit Hanoi

September 2nd, 2010
Vietnam has come a long way since the war. Although the Communist party still rules the roost, the country has become increasingly welcoming to foreigners and is now a popular destination for Western tourists. In fact, Gadling's Stanley Stewart recently visited Hanoi and found it to be a wonderful, timeless city: War and communism have preserved Hanoi from fifty years of progress. There are moments when it seems like the lost city of Asia, the one you can never quite find, the great teeming, squalid, fascinating metropolis of Marlene Dietrich films and 1930's novellas. The modern age has transformed Shanghai. Hong Kong and Bangkok are jammed with traffic and skyscrapers. The lanes of Old Peking have given way to boulevards wide enough for tanks. Hanoi alone has retained its street urchin


Egyptian Visa Requirements To Climb Mt. Sinai

September 1st, 2010
The tallest mountain in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, Mt. Sinai has religious significance for Christians, Muslims and Jews alike, as it is believed to be the place where Moses was given the Ten Commandments. Naturally, some scholars dispute this. However, whatever you do (or don't) believe, if you have the opportunity to climb Mt. Sinai, it's an experience not to be missed. Due to the scorching heat of the Egyptian sun, climbing Mt. Sinai takes place at night, by the light of the moon (supplemented, naturally, with flashlights.) The mountain is 2,285 meters high, and climbing it generally takes 2.5 to 4 hours. There are two ways up: Siket El Bashait, also known as "the Camel Trail," and the aptly named "Steps of Penitence." Once at the top, you'll generally have plenty of time to watch t