Parent Request / Permission

Parent Permission Letter Template
The Parent Request letter needs to include both parent's listed on the child’s birth certificate and must include the parent's name, date of birth, gender, their direct relationship to the child, and that they explicitly give "permission for the child to obtain a visa" for the country you are traveling to.
The letter needs to include:
- Where you are traveling
- Dates of travel
- Reason for travel (generally Tourist Purposes)
- Explicitly state the type and length of the visa you are requesting
The letter needs to be signed by both parents and notarized. You should include a copy of the child's Birth Certificate, each parent's ID, and if possible, passport picture / signature page. This letter can replace the need for a Validity Request letter if it is requested. If one parent has sole custody of the child, they will need to include copies of court documents that explicitly state this.
RE: Visa Application
Date: _______________________
We, (Mother’s name, date of birth, gender) and (Father’s Name, date of birth, gender) parents of (child’s name, date of birth, gender) are giving our consent for our child(ren) to obtain a visa for (country). We are planning on traveling from (entry date) and returning on (returning date).
We are requesting a ___ year/month Multiple Entry/Single Entry Tourist Visa.
(PRINTED NAME each parent, and Notarized SIGNATURE)
(Include copy of inviter’s passport picture page/signature page, ID, and copy of child's Birth Certificate)
(If only one legal guardian, proof must be supplied, either with a death certificate or proof of sole custody)