Local Business Letter

Local Business Letter Template
A Local Business Letter should be from your local employer. It should be typed on Company Letterhead, signed by an officer of your company, and can be printed, signed, scanned and emailed to print and include with your visa paperwork. It should include the following:
- Purpose of travel.
- Contact and address information for the host you are meeting.
- Timeframe for travel.
- Specific type and length of the visa you are requesting.
Private Contractor – you can write the letter yourself. It should still be on letterhead and will need to state that you are the sole proprietor. Include the address and contact information for your business (even if this is your home), and all the other information stated above. This letter can replace the need for a Validity Request Letter.
Business Owner - it is still advisable to have someone else write the letter for you.
Make sure the details (ie. Travel Dates, type and length of requested visa) in all the letters (Local Business, Validity Request, and the Host Invite) and the information in the Visa Application all match.
RE: Visa Application
Date: _______________________
(client name) [(gender, date of birth)] is currently employed in the position of (job title) for (local US company name), located at (local business address). While in (country) they will be visiting with (host company name), located (address of host company) for the purpose of (specific purpose of trip). (client name) needs to travel to on (entry date) and will be leaving (return date). During their visit, all food, lodging and travel expenses as well as guaranteed return transportation will be the responsibility of (local US company name). (client name) [for longer term visas:)] (will need to return in the coming years for similar purposes and) is requesting a _____ year/month Multiple Entry Business Visa.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
(PRINTED NAME of officer of the Company, Position, and SIGNATURE)